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Poezii de dragoste de Valentine’s day in limba engleza


Poezii si versuri de dragoste in limba engleza pe care le puteti trimite iubitei sau iubitului cu ocazia zilei de 14 februarie, Valentine’s day – Ziua indragostitilor.


Come Slowly

Emily Dickinson


Come slowly, Eden
Lips unused to thee.
Bashful, sip thy jasmines,
As the fainting bee,
Reaching late his flower,
Round her chamber hums,
Counts his nectars -alights,
And is lost in balms!



Kahlil Gibran


I was drawn to you
in a special way
the first time I saw you...
and I liked the way
you talked about everything;
even the way you talked about me
and made me talk about myself.
You ... asked me questions,
and sometimes they embarrassed me;
but I loved even the embarrassment,
because of your spirit
and the sweet understanding way
you meant everything.
I knew many people...
but I liked you
best of all.


She Tells Her Love
Robert Ranke Graves


She tells her love while half asleep,

In the dark hours,

With half-words whispered low:

As Earth stirs in her winter sleep

And puts out grass and flowers

Despite the snow,

Despite the falling snow.


O Mistress Mine
William  Shakespeare


O Mistress mine, where are you roaming?

O, stay and hear; your true love's coming,

That can sing both high and low:

Trip no further, pretty sweeting;

Journeys end in lovers meeting,

Every wise man's son doth know.


What is love? 'Tis not hereafter;

Present mirth hath present laughter;

What's to come is still unsure:

In delay there lies not plenty;

Then, come kiss me, sweet and twenty,

Youth's a stuff will not endure.


Beauty and Love
Andrew  Young


Beauty and love are all my dream;

They change not with the changing day;

Love stays forever like a stream

That flows but never flows away;


And beauty is the bright sun-bow

That blossoms on the spray that showers

Where the loud water falls below,

Making a wind among the flowers.

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