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Mesaje de Halloween pentru copii in limba engleza


Sarbatoarea de Halloween este si pentru copii prilej de mare bucurie. Costumati in personaje infricosatoare ei merg din casa in casa pentru a speria lumea si a primi dulciuri. Va oferim o colectie de mesaje de Halloween pentru copii in limba engleza. Sa aveti o petrecere de Halloween cat mai frumoasa! Have a spooktacular Halloween!


Your first pumpkin is here,
your very first autumn
and your costume too!
Hope that you have a happy 1st Halloween!


You may find it scary,
and feel the fright…
But you're sure to have fun
on Halloween night.
Wishing you a groovy Halloween!


Gone Trick or Treating. Be back … when my bag is full.


O time, when you turn backward,
in your flight…
Make us kids again
just for the Halloween night!
Have a fun-filled Halloween celebration!


Roses are red and ghosts are white…
On this special day,
let me give you some fright!
Happy Halloween!


It’s not safe to venture out as goblins and witches are all about on Halloween.


Hope that your Halloween
turns out to be as bright
and beautiful as you are.
Have a cheerful Halloween!


As the owls fly across the sky
and the black cats howl,
I wish that you have a
hauntingly good time
on the Halloween night!
Happy Halloween!


Spiders, spiders, bats and spiders, in your tea cup you will see, whom your love would like to be.


May you enjoy Halloween
with spooky sights
and frightful delights.
Have a spooktacular Halloween!


When witches go riding
and ghosts, goblins
and cats are seen,
the moon smiles and whispers that
it's Halloween!
Wishing you a happy Halloween!


Wishing that you have a Halloween filled with the sight of pumpkins, smell of caramel apples, and the taste of roasted sweet corn. Happy Halloween!

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