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Mesaje de Halloween in limba engleza


Halloweenul este o sarbatoare care devine din ce in ce mai cunoscuta si raspandita. Daca doriti sa va “bantuiti” si voi colegii si pe cei dragi de Halloween va oferim ca sursa de inspiratie o colectie de mesaje de Halloween in limba engleza. De asemenea, puteti posta un mesaj special de Halloween ca status la avatar pe messenger, facebook, twitter, google+ sau alta retea de socializare.


A ghostly shadow and  a bloody handprint… It's the evil spirit lurking at your door… So, give the candies and tasty treats without my ado… Just welcome the creatures of the dark to drink blood cokes. Wishing you spooky fun on Halloween!


As the scary black cats prowl and carved-out pumpkins gleam, I wish that luck be yours on Halloween. Happy Halloween!


Black night full of fright, heat and fever on the air tonight electricity halted. Darkness spread in the vally of death, energize dead body comes from grave try to scare people by making lots of noise. Standing with satanic rule looking for someone to fulfill the thirst of human blood. Knock-knock, open the door! Are you scared! Happy Halloween!


Don't eat too much candy this Halloween.


Eat lots of candy this Halloween. Have a blast getting scared.


Hallowe’en you must beware. For frightul things are everywhere.


Halloween is a great time to dress up and have a little fun. Happy Halloween.


Have a spooky time on Halloween. Don't get too scared though. Happy Halloween.


Have as much fun as a ghost this Halloween. No body has as much fun as a ghost.


I am dying to have a great Halloween with you. Happy Halloween!


I am hoping you have a great Halloween. Stay safe.


I hope you have a killer day this Halloween.


If you don't get to see a ghost on Halloween, don't worry! Just look at your image in the mirror and start making merry! Happy Halloween!


Just like a ghost, you haunt my dreams… And love is kinda crazy with a spooky girl like you. Wishing you loads of creepy fun on Halloween!


May the glowing jack-o-lanterns light up the darkest night and brighten up your celebrations on Halloween. Have a happy Halloween!


May the witches be kind to you on Halloween!


On Halloween, wishing that you pretend as if nothing can frighten you… And if there's something to scare you and make you run,  just remember that it's Halloween fun! Happy Halloween!


The skeleton laughed at this Halloween card message. It tickled his funny bone.


The werewolf wants to wish you a happy Howloween!


Wishing that you have a night full of screams and spooky fun. Have a terrific Halloween!


Wishing you a great fall season. Stay warm and cozy.


Wishing you a Halloween that screams!


Wishing you a highly entertaining Halloween!

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