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The european intercultural communication
Duminică, 08 Aprilie 2012 23:18


Profesor Jianu Camelia

Colegiul Tehnic Reşiţa, Caraş-Severin



            Objectives of the new European agenda for culture are defined around three main aspects: cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue; stimulation of creativity within of the Lisbon Strategy for Economic Growth and the Employment; culture as a vital element in the international relations.

            Keywords: the communication, the intercultural dialogue, the cultural diversity



Cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue

Openness and exchanges between different cultures should be promoted. In this context, the new agenda for culture aims to encourage:

Ø      mobility of artists and cultural workers in the sector and mobility of all forms of artistic expression;

Ø      the strenghtening of intercultural competences and intercultural dialogue by developing capacities that are among the key competences for education and training throughout life, such as consciousness and the cultural expression and communication in foreign languages​​.

            Stimulation of creativity within of the Lisbon Strategy for Economic Growth and the Employment

Cultural industries contribute to economic dynamism and to the competitiveness of the European Union. As an example, in the cultural sector work almost five million people in the the EU. In this regard, the Commission proposes the following objectives:

Ø      promote creativity in education and integration of this measure in education and training during life;

Ø      organizational capacity building in the cultural sector, focusing on entrepreneurship and the development of the cultural sector in managerial competences (innovative funding sources, the European dimension of commercial activities etc.)

Ø      developing effective partnerships between the cultural sector and other sectors (research, tourism, social partners) in order to consolidate the impact of cultural investment.

            The culture as a vital element in the international relations

According to the UNESCO Convention on the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions, ratified by the EU and most countries, the new agenda for culture proposes to strengthen cooperation as a vital element of the cultural dimension of EU’s external relations. This priority is accompanied by several measures designed to:


Ø      further develop the cultural policy dialogue and promote cultural exchanges between the EU and third countries;

Ø      promote  access to global markets for cultural goods and services from developing countries, through agreements that provide preferential treatment or business assistance measures;

Ø      use of external relations for financial and technical support (cultural heritage conservation, support for cultural activities in the world);

Ø      consideration of local cultures in all EU-funded projects;

Ø      intensification of the EU participation in the work of international organizations in the cultural sector and the United Nations Alliance of Civilisations ".








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